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A very poor one. The battle has been described as actually being three separate battles, as the northerners made unconnected, unsupported attacks in the north of the field, then the center, then the south. This allowed the Confederates to move troops to the threatened sectors to meet each attack. The north had the south outnumbered three to one on the field, and had they attacked simultaneously on all sectors of the field could undoubtedly have overwhelmed the Confederates and ended the war then and there. As it was, it was all the Confederates could do to hang on desperately through the three separate Union attacks. Union commander McClellan had seven corps in his army, and two of them took no part in the battle and did not fire a shot all day.

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11y ago

Commander of the Union forces that defeated the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia under Lee.

It was only through luck, not judgment, that he was able to win this battle, and he failed to pursue and destroy the enemy, as Lincoln felt he should have done.

Lincoln fired him a few days later.

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echelon attack from north to south

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guerrilla warfare

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to win

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Q: What was General Robert E. Lee's strategy for the Battle of Antietam?
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The Confederate Army was commanded by General Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Antietam.

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The commander of the Confederate army at Antietam was General Robert E. Lee.

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Robert E. Lee

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general robert e lee general george b mcClellan union soldier confederate soldiers

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The Battle of Antietam, an important battle of the Civiil War, was fought by the Army of the Potomac, part of the Union Army, under the command of General George McClellan, and Confederate forces under the command of General Robert E. Lee on September 17, 1862.