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General John Keane was the British Commander in 1814 at the Battle of New Orleans.

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Q: What was General Keene's first Name who fought in battle of new Orleans?
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Which famous general of the War of 1812 fought the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

What battle was fought after the war of1812 was officially over?

Battle of New Orleans

What state was the Battle of New Orleans fought?

New Orleans is in Louisiana.

Why was the battle of New Orleans fought after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent?

The battle of New Orleans was fought after the treaty was signed, since news traveled very slowly during that period of time. There were no telephone lines or even telegraph lines. By the time the news crossed the ocean and got to New Orleans the battle was already fought.

What battle made Andrew Jackson famous in the war of 1812?

Andrew Jackson was made famous for the battle of New Orleans. (which was actually fought after the war was over)

What was the final great battle of the War of 1812?

The Battle of New Orleans was the final great battle of the War of 1812. It was fought on January 8, 1815.

What general won victory at the battle of new Orleans?

The US won the Battle of New Orleans. The battle was fought after a peace agreement was signed by both the British and Americans. Word had not yet reached the forces of either side at the time of the battle though.

How many americans fought in the battle of new orleans?

OVER 6,000

When was the battle of New Orleans fought?

january 8 .1815 last battle of the war of 1812

What was the Battle during the War of 1812 fought after it ended this paved the way for Andrew Jackson to presidency?

The Battle of New Orleans, fought after the treaty was signed, made Jackson a national hero, and was one of few victories on land.

What was the unusual about the battle of New Orleans?

It was fought after the treaty to end the war was signed.