Cromwell was made Lord Protector. He refused to becrowned King as he thought that serving God was to run the country, and he did not need the title King to do that. That is why he called himself Lord Protector, because he didnt want to be called King.
He put the taxes up, which is rich seeing the part taxes played in the vilification of Charles 1.He oppressed the Church, carried on foreign wars and attaced the commonality in that he turned the brutal licentious soldiery out on to the Anarchist Diggers in their attempts to work the land. neither did he help the weaker social reformers such as Lilburne! He did shoot their ringleafers, though this was before his elevation to Protector!
You didn't ask, but my impression of him is as a proto fascist!
The Civil War was a result of Calvinist attempts to take over the religious establishment in England and replace it with a presbyterian polity! They used all kinds of social and political Propaganda o stir people up in their lust for the Church! Using King Charles's monetary problems as a goad. These were potentially rough, but as Charles was in a pickle he had very little choice. In this coalition there were discontented Royalists, dissident gentry and nobility, once they had won the war, stolen the Church and killed the King they found that they had nothing in common. They were simply conserving the social system of Charles and not doing as well as he did, !
First of all they were booted out of parliament for incapacity,then they lost their church, more or less, the Anglicans 90% simply stayed away. The Army officers argued with one an other and who was there left but Cromwell? He'd rather have been king, but Lord Protector's next best thing!
the role of a lord protector is that whoever it is is a sort of speak leader and protector but not king or ruler lol xx :P
oliver cronwell
Richard Cromwell became lord protector after cromwell. Richard was his son father Oliver Cromwell and mother Elizabeth Bourchier
lord protector
No it was Oliver Cromwell
1st Lord Protector
I seem to remember that it was Lord Protector of the Realm, as he would not allow himself to be crowned as a king. This answer needs to be verified.
Oliver Cromwell's full name with his titles was Lord Protector General Oliver Cromwell. His nickname while he was in the military was Old Ironsides.
He was Lord Protector of the commonwealth.
the role of a lord protector is that whoever it is is a sort of speak leader and protector but not king or ruler lol xx :P
Lord protector and defender of the Realm.
oliver cronwell
Richard Cromwell became lord protector after cromwell. Richard was his son father Oliver Cromwell and mother Elizabeth Bourchier
lord protector
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell; as lord protector
The role for a persons lawyer is a friend and a protector