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Columbus was trying to sail to Asia. he thought that if he sailed west he would get there faster but instead he found newfoundland.

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Q: What was Columbus connection to Newfoundland?
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Who sailed to North Carolina in Newfoundland in search of the northwest passage?

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Hi, I am a 6th grade teacher. My class has been studying European explorers such as Cook, Cartier, Columbus, and the Vikings. The Vikings traveled to Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. The Vikings named Newfoundland Vinland. Here is a helpful link . . .

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How did Columbus make the first colonization in America and established the first connection between Europe and America?

Well what is the answer!

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In 1497, Italian-born John Cabot sailed from England to North America, looking for a northern route to Asia. Accounts vary on where he landed; most likely it was the coast of Newfoundland, Labrador or Cape Breton.