

What was Cartier Known for?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Fine Jewlery.

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Q: What was Cartier Known for?
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Jacques Cartier's achievements?

Jacques Cartier is known for his exploration of the St. Lawrence River. He is also known for naming the country of Canada. Cartier was a French explorer.

Who were Jacques Cartier's parents?

James Cartier and Gesseline JansartThe parentage of French explorer Jacques Cartier is not known. yes it is! his parents were janet cartier and marie-anne baudin

The man who explored and claimed Canada for England was .?

It was Jacques Cartier that explored Canada and claimed it for France. When arriving in the region the area was then known as Newfoundland. It was in 1534 when Jacques Cartier arrived in the area now known as Canada.

Where did Jaques Cartier die?

Jaques Cartier also known as; "The Brave And The Bold" died in 2002 after returning the pies to the Mi'kmaqus.

What was the date that Jacques Cartier found Canada?

Jacques Cartier first arrived in the region now known as Canada on June 24, 1534.

What is Jacques cartier known for?

discovering Canada hi u imike

What are some characteristics of Jacques cartier?

Jacques Cartier was a French explorer known for making the first detailed maps of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Saint Lawrence River. He is credited with naming Canada and claimed it for France. Cartier is also known for his unsuccessful attempts to establish permanent settlements in the New World.

What are the years that jaques cartier live?

Jacques Cartier lived from 1491 to 1557. He was a French explorer known for exploring and mapping the St. Lawrence River in Canada.

What country was Jacques cartier from?

Jacques Cartier was from France. He was a French explorer who is best known for exploring and claiming what is now Canada for France in the 16th century.

What land did Jaques Cartier discoveredexsept for Canada?

Kebec now known as Quebec.

Why did Cartier and Hudson go farther north?

Cartier and Hudson were explorers, both seeking what was known as the Northwest Passage. They both went further north in an attempt to find this.

Which N. America area did Jacques Cartier claim for France?

Jacques Cartier claimed what is now known as Canada for France in 1534 when he explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence.