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Canada helped to contribute to the war with the battle of britain, liberators (holland) their navy, their air force, Camp X, they Declared war on themselves, they had greater ties with the U.s. They had women in the war, they were food - regional suppliers, as well as suppliers, and homefront supplies. you missed a few things, such as the Commonwealth Air Training Plan, that trained 135,000 pilots and air crew, here in Canada, who came from 40 different Allied nations to learn to fly. Canada not only equipped it's OWN military, with guns planes and ships, but we built all of that for other nations, such as the Indian army who were completely equipped with Canadian made trucks, or the British army that by 1945 was 70 percent equipped with Canadian made rifles and machine guns. We also supplied the Chinese army that was fighting the Japanese in the far east. We built supply ships and naval escort vessels here that were the main life line of food to the U.K. We built our army from a tiny force of less than 3,000 men in 1939 to a two Corps army of 700,000 men that could and did fight in two sperate places at the same time ( Italy from 1943 to 1945, and Europe from June 1944 to May 1945). We took more dead and wounded after the D-Day landings, in the summer of 1944 than either the Brits or the Americans did, and we kept on fighting with out a break for 11 months after the Normandy landings. In some cases, Canadian infantry units were completely wiped out, That means that ALL of the 800 men in a unit had been either KILLED or so badly wounded ,that the unit ceased to exist as a fighting force. In the air, we flew fighters and coastal patrol aircraft and heavy bombers at night on bombing raids into the Occupied Countries. We became the acknowledged "best U-boat Hunters" and sank the most of them of any Alled navy in WW2. By the end of WW2 Canada had the third largest navy in the world, a amazing growth from the beginning in 1939, when we only had total of 6 RCN ships in our fleet. So Yes Canada did much more than her share in WW2 .

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16y ago
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9y ago

I don't know much. I do know that Canada gave out many handy supplies. Canada had a strong air force and good pilots. Also, they were the only ones to achieve all their objectives on D-Day and it was the Canadians who liberated Holland. Canadians also helped medically with the Red Cross.

Canada,along with the rest of the British Empire and Commonwealth made a huge contribution to world war 2. World war 2 started on 1st September 1939 for the Poles when Germany invaded from the west. Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. Although they did not have to do so Canada,Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany at about the same time. I have a war time propaganda booklet about Canada's contribution to the war effort Even allowing for the context of the information it makes amazing reading. Canada sent troops and sailors and airmen to Britain. It produced ships and guns and tanks and planes and in the process created an industrial economy that had not existed before the war. Canada also leant Britain millions of dollars in financial aid and in 1945 said its ok you don't have to pay it back. (The Americans did not do this they still wanted to be paid) So Canada made a huge contribution to the war and in turn was changed by it.

Canada's relations with America already close became even closer in the wartime period and after the war British influence in Canada was reduced. Many British people met Canadian troops during the war and were impressed by the people and many Brits went to Canada after the war. IN 1939, the population of Canada was about 12 million people. If you divide that in half, it gives about 6 million males. Subtract those who were too young or too old to serve, and you have about 3 million males of military service age. By the end of the second world war, Canada had ONE MILLION, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN IN UNIFORM. That is one out of every three adult males. BY far, Canada's greatest contribution to the winning of WW2 was the Commonwealth Air Training Plan, which trained 135,000 pilots and aircrew, from 22 different countries, in Canada. Canada built over 300 airfields and 65 training schools in less than one year, and provided the instructors and ground crews to keep thousands of planes in the air. We also fed and clothed and housed and entertained those thousands of men, and did it at our expense. We also built thousands of aircraft for the CATP and produced the fuel and oil needed, as well as the training manuals and course books and air charts, and even the asphalt and concrete for the runways. After Canada had manufactured enough small arms to equip it's own army, we started sending rifles, pistols and machine guns to Britain. At the end of WW2, 60 percent of the British Army was armed with Canadian made weapons. We also provided over a million Lee Enfield rifles to the Nationalist Chinese Army and 300,000 Browning 9mm semi-auto pistols to the Australians and the New Zealanders. The largest class of naval vessel ever made was the Canadian Corvette escort ship, with 237 in total being made during WW2.

From the beginning of the war, the Royal Canadian Navy was the chief escort force in the western Atlantic Ocean. By the end of the war, the RCN was the acknowledged leader in anti-submarine warfare, with the most U-baots sunk. Remember this fact.........Every American and Canadian soldier who fought in Europe got there by ship convoy, nobody flew over the Atlantic, except bomber crews going to the war. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest and most crucial of WW2. Without control of the ocean, D Day would not have been possible, at all. Canada was able to fight in two major campaigns at the same time. Where ? From July 1943, with the invasion of Sicily, Canada's First Infantry Division along with it's auxiliary units of armor, artillery and support, were involved in the Italian fighting. Fourteen months later, after the liberation of Rome, the D-day Dodgers of the 1CanInfDiv were told that, for all their sins, they would now be going to Northern France, to join 2ndCanInfDiv, and 5th Can Armoured in the fight to capture the Belgian port city of Antwerp. Of course, 2nd Div and 5th Armoured had landed at Normandy, on Juno beach, on June 6th, and now the entire Canadian Corps, over 200 thousand men was going to be concentrated on a massive front. The Falsie gap, the battle for the airport at Tirquet, the Breskins Pocket, Walchern Island, the Netherlands, the Hochwald Forest, the final 40 days, are all ahead of them. The RCAF began the war with 5 squadrons of outdated planes, and about 3,000 men. By the end of the war, it is the third largest of the Allied air forces,with over 133,000 men, and fully 60 percent of RAF bomber command is made up of Canadians. Number six group, Bomber Command are all Canadian crews, and in Fighter Command, more than half of the Squadron Leaders are Canadians. There are 44 RCAF fighter squadrons, as well as 15 in Maritime Command flying the Canadian built Canso amphibian. Inventive, combative, irreverant, funny and tough, that was the Canadians in WW2. From Motor Torpedo Boats in the channel at night, to the jungles of Borneo, or the mountains of Yugoslavia, fighting with Tito's army, they were everywhere, and we left our dead in cemmetaries in 74 nations, in small places that will forever be considered a part of Canada. As a member of the allies, Canada declared war on Germany within days of the invasion of Poland. Unlike World War I, however, Canadian units remained more independent of British command, and they played an important role in Allied campaigns in Western Europe. Canadian forces contributed heavily in the air raids against Germany, the Battle of Britain the Italian campaign and the Battle of Normandy, as well as the campaigns in North West Europe. From 1941, Canadian forces also participated in the defense of British territories against Japanese forces, especially Hong Kong. About one million Canadians served during WWII. The Canadian Home front also played a vital role in producing weapons, armor and many other vital war machines in pushing back the Germans. Canada�s first major action was the raid on the French beach of Dieppe the task force included 5000 Canadian troops which stormed the beach head. Although the mission was a failure the allies got a first view of German defenses on the French coast, and this information would later be used for operation OVERLORD the June 1944 invasion of France. Before operation OVERLORD could take place, the allies needed to �soften� up German defensive positions and key targets such as war factories. RCAF bomber units flew nightly raids on German cities and factories to reduce the German ability to produce war materials and weapons.

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14y ago
Supplying troops for the fighting and helping in the production of tanks, weapons and aircraft.

Canada also played a major role in providing and running the Air Training Program, (training pilots of Commonwealth countries) prior to sending them to the battle area's. Canada also built and ran the facility known as "Camp X" at Oshawa, Ontario, where spies and secret agents etc were taught their business before being infiltrated into occupied Europe. This camp was run by William Stephenson also known by the code name "Intrepid". Canada was a major player in W.W.2

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13y ago

Under the policy of total war, Canadians factories were producing more goods. Workers put in long hours, most of them work for seven days a week. Single Women were in high demand as factory workers.


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14y ago

Think about the invasion of Holland by Canadian troops (following the unsuccesful American Operation Market Garden) as well as the push through Sicily and Ortona on towards Rome. Think about the role we played in D-Day, not only on Juno, but our sacrifice in Dieppe. It can be argued that Canada's participation in the Second World War was a major contribution to the victory that came.

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15y ago

Canadian contribution millitarily involved 32 squads of tank divisions and 7,000 troops total. Most were used during the liberation of Italy and France. Scientifically, Canada was one of the main countries actively involved in funding and developing the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project.

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11y ago

Canada supported the U.S. and England during the war, sending men and supplies.

Canada did a lot more than "support" Britain and the U.S.

Canada declared war on Germany in 1939, 2 years before the U.S. entered the war.

In 1940, Canadians led the assault on the beaches of Dieppe, a French town being held by the Germans. More than 900 Canadian soldiers were killed, 2,000 more taken prisoner. Despite the high cost, the lessons learned at Dieppe were instrumental in the planning of the D-Day invasion 2 years later.

From 1939 until the end of the war, Canadian navy "corvettes" and other warships, crewed by the men and women of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, escorted thousands of freighters across the North Atlantic, bringing vital supplies, food, fuel and war materials to Russia and Great Britain. Battling enemy U-boats, the weather and the un-predictable North Atlantic, more than 2,000 Canadian sailors were lost.

In Asia, 2 regiments of Canadian soldiers, fighting alongside British and Indian troops, held off an experienced Japanese army for nearly a month, before the colony of Hong Kong fell. Those Canadians who survived spent the rest of the war in horrific Japanese POW camps, where many more died.

Canadians were there again during the Italian campaign. We again fought alongside British, U.S. , Polish and Free French troops, liberating Italy. Canadian troops fought, and defeated, elite German paratroops in the bloody battle of Ortona, one of the most brutal fights in the Italian campaign. The street fighting was so vicious, it is often compared to the Battle of Stalingrad.

Canadian fighter pilots, flying in British squadrons, helped save England from invasion during the Battle of Britain. Only the Polish and New Zealanders sent more pilots to the battle. Many more Canadian air force personnel served, and died, in Bomber Command.... attacking German military installations and factories.

When the Japanese attacked the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska... yup, Canada was there again. Canadian soldiers and pilots fought alongside the Americans.

Finally, on D-Day, THREE allied armies attacked the beaches of Normandy. Everyone seems to remember the U.S. and British attacks, but one of the five beaches, JUNO, was taken, and held, by the Canadian military. Canadian ships also provided landing support, cover fire, etc... and the Royal Canadian Air Force provided air cover.

Canada also provided more than 80 airfields, aircraft and training personnel to train pilots from Canada, Britain, the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Known as the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, thousands of aircrew were schooled in Canada for the war in Europe. Canadian shipyards constructed corvettes, minesweepers and other vessels, used by the Canadian, American and British navies and British designed Valentine tanks, used by the Red Army, were exclusively built in the CPR shops in Montreal.

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9y ago

It's hard to find a "main" contribution, there were so many.
Canada sent thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen to battle in WW2.
The RCAF trained thousands of British aircrew on the prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Canada formed an entire heavy bomber group fighting Germany. 6 Group, Bomber Command flew over 40,600 missions.
Hundreds of Canadian built warships operated in the north Atlantic protecting convoys and sinking many U-Boats.
The Canadian Army had an entire beach on D-Day and went furthest inland on that day.
- Unknown to many nowadays, Canada helped the US to repel the Japanese invasion of US Territory in the Aeutian Islands . Thousands of Canadian soldiers and 2 squadrons of the RCAF fought alongside US troops and sailors to oust the Japanese.
-Ironically, many modern Americans are not even aware their territory was invaded, let alone that many Canadians died to save it.

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