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Oliver Brown attempted to enroll his daughter, Linda Brown, into the local school in Topeka, Kansas. They were denied entry so they took the board of ed. to court with the help of the NAACP and Thurgood Marshal. the US Supreme Court favored Brown therefore de-segregating schools.

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Q: What was Brown vs The Board of Education all about?
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What did linda brown have to do in the brown vs board of education?

She was the girl that couldn’t go to the close all white school. That is how the brown vs board of education law started!

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Brown vs. The Board of Education- Supreme Court decision that made segregation in schools unconstitutional. Linda Brown vs. Topeka, Kansas.

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Thurgood Marshall.

What was the Supreme court case Brown vs Board of Education about?

The Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education was about racial segregation in public schools. The court cased declared this segregation unconstitutional.

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It ruled that segregation in schools is unconstitutional.

What was brown's board of education?

Actually it is Brown vs. Board of Education. It was a court case dealing with African American students in school during the time of segregation in America.