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Q: What was Britain's respond to the colonists after refusing the law of the Stamp Act?
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How did the colonists respond to the stamp act and to the townshend act?

by responding

How did the colonists respond to the stamp act and the townshend acts?

by responding

The colonists protested the stamp act because they believed in?

refusing to buy goods from Britain

Why did colonists respond the way they did during the stamp act?

the prices on paper were to high

How did parliament respond to the colonists' protests against the stamp act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

How did the parliament respond to the colonists protest against the stamp act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

How did Parliament respond to the colonists protests against the Stamp Act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

How did most British merchants respond to the colonists resistance to the Stamp Act?

they stamped around town

What were the outcomes of the stamp act?

There were quite a few consequences of the Stamp Act. One consequence was the formation of the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts. Another was the colonists openly defying the Stamp Act by refusing to buy British goods.

Why did the colonists fear the stamp act?

The Colonists feared the Stamp Act because they did not have much money, and because the Stamp Act was based on many of the Colonists daily uses.

How did the colonists respond when the British passed the Stamp Act?

the colonists were mad!!. they thought the only people who can tax them were their representatives Keep in mind that the colonists weren't mad because of the Stamp Act Congress. They set up the stamp act congress in reaction to the Stamp Act, which was an internal tax set up by the British that taxed all paper goods by making a British stamp required on all paper good in the colonies.

What happened to the colonists who disobeyed the stamp act?

The colonists would either get fined or put in jail if they did not pay the stamp tax.