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He signed the Oslo Accords with Yasser Arafat providing for Palestinian-controlled Gaza. He was assassinated by an Israeli Jewish Extremist for being too dovish and "leading to the destruction of Israel".

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Menachem Begin was the leader of the Irgun in the late 1940s. The Irgun was a Jewish Terrorist organization that attacked Palestinian civilians during the Jewish-Arab Engagement of 1947-1949. The worst atrocity of that war, the Deir Yassin Massacre, was not his handywork per se, but he staunchly defended it. For this, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion dissolved the Irgun.

Menachem Begin's major contribution to general history was his signing of Peace Accords in with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1979. However, this only had a tangential effect on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The effect was that the Gaza Strip was now legally separated from an Egyptian claim and would have to be negotiated with as a unique Palestinian entity. Recognition of that entity would not come until 1993.

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