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The jobs among the women at Aushwitz were all pretty much pointless and numbing, the most common one being digging up large rolls of sod, and moving them to another place to merely unload them again. It was all part of the planned "annihilation by work" of the Wansee Conference directives.

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Q: What was Anne Frank's job at Auschwitz?
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Was Anne franks dad rescued by American soldiers?

No. Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians.

Where did the franks go when they were found?

First to Westerbork, then to Auschwitz, where they were separated. Otto and Edith Frank stayed at Auschwitz, Margot and Anne were transferred to Bergen-Belsen.

Where on the wrist was Anne Franks tattoo?

I believe all Auschwitz inmates were tattooed on the inside of their left wrist.

What was Anne Franks's first job?

Anne Frank's really did not have a first job. She was sent to a concentration camp at the age of 15 and died there.

What happens to the franks after the war?

anne and margot died at bergen-belsen of typhus. Ms.Frank died at Auschwitz, and Mr. frank survived and published Anne's diary, and then died at 91

Where were the franks sent to?

Anne Frank was first taken to Westerbork(a transit camp)then was transported to Auschwitz(The largest Nazi Concentration camp) where she soon died.

When was Anne Franks mom born?

Anne Frank's mother was born Edith Hollander on January 16, 1900 in the German Empire. She died at Auschwitz concentration camp on January 6, 1945.

What happend to Anne Franks mother?

She was killed. Only Anne Franks father survived but has died of old age. He once appeared on Blue Peter!

Anne Franks goals?

Anne franks goals were to be an author or a famous journalist

When was the franks taken to Auschwitz?

September 3, 1944

What camp were the Franks and Van Daans sent to?
