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Genghis Khan and his grandson Khubla Khan during the 13th century was the only time that Mongolia fought organized wars. Prior to that time Mongolia was situated similar to that of North America: Different nations consisting of Sioux, Cheyenne, Blackfoot, Apache, Commanche, Mohawk, Blackhawk, etc. All fighting amongst themselves. Had those nations become UNITED under one banner, as Genghis Khan UNITED his Mongols...history would probably not be the way it is today in North America.

After the era of the Khan's, Mongolia remained safely out of reach from outside influence; other than ultimately coming under the sphere of the Soviet Union.

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Mongolia have never been involved in any war since the current Mongolia was established, the Mongolian nomadic tribes and clans did have a series of wars with the neighboring Han Chinese Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, which resulted in disastrous defeats of the Mongolians.

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