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The main art in the Republican period (509-27 BC) was portraiture sculpture (busts). It produced busts of important people in a highly realistic manner and emphasised the signs of age. Age was seen as the hallmark of wisdom and statesmanship. It also reflected the republican values of dignitas, integritas et gravitas.

During the Republican period there was plebeian art. This was relief art which depicted ordinary citizens engaged in the activities of daily life and performing their trades. Working people were its central theme and it valued the hard work of ordinary Romans.

During the period of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 BC) art became a Propaganda tool of the emperors. it became about glorifying the emperors and portraying them as victors in battle benefactors of the city and as great and all powerful men. This art was more idealised than previously.

A strand of roman art focused on the gods and religious mythologies.

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Greek artists and architects wanted people to see reason, moderation, balance, and harmony in their work. They hoped their art would inspire people to base their lives on these same ideas.

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Q: What values did the Romans want their art and architecture to reflect?
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