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Five regular US Army generals resigned to join the Confederates:

Samuel Cooper, Joseph E. Johnston, Sidney Johnston (no relation), P.G.T. Beauregard, Robert E. Lee.

Cooper was an unknown, who was senior only by age.

Joe Johnston had the highest official seniority, but the Confederate President Jefferson Davis (an ex-regular who had hoped to be General-in-Chief) ranked him only fourth because his most recent service had been at a desk and not in the line. The two men feuded for the rest of the war.

Sidney Johnston was considered the best General in America, but was killed in the early operations in Tennessee.

Beauregard fired the first shots of the war (at Fort Sumter), and then gained glory at the First Battle of Bull Run. He was second-in-command to Sidney Johnston in Tennessee, but his health failed and he did not figure in the later campaigns.

Lee had not wanted to defect (he wanted to accept Lincoln's offer of command of all the Union armies), but when his home-state of Virginia voted Confederate, he decided he was a Virginian first and an American second.

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Q: What union generals fought for the south?
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