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Torch was the code Name given to the invasion of Algeria region in French North Africa carried out in November 1942 by the Allied forces in order to take from the back the Axis Army that was fighting in Libya against the British Army led by Montgomery.

The invasion was counterbalanced by the Axis army which managed to invade Tunisia, thus prolonging the war in North Africa until May 1943.

Operation Torch was the British American invasion of French north Africa during the north African campaign of the second world war. Initially it was called as Operation Gymnast.

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13y ago

Operation Torch was the allied invasion of Vichy France's North African territories. This was to open a front on the German army in Africa. The Invasion was the largest anphib assualt in History. Until Operation: Overlord. It involved American troops sailing from the USA to Gibraltra Then to one of 3 landing sites.

AnswerIt should not be forgotten that American and British troops took part in the invasion. It was the first major Anglo - American invasion of the 2nd ww.
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13y ago

The ultimate goal was to remove the axis threat in all of North Africa. That meant defeating the famous Africa Corps under Field Marshall Romel and his Italian allies. They also had to defeat Vichy France that controlled Algerian and Morrocan coast where the Allies would be landing. By defeating the axis forces, the threat to Middle Eastern oilfields would be averted and the Allies could then invade Italy.

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20y ago

Operation "Torch" was the plan for the invasion of North Africa. Operation "Overlord" was the plan for the invasion of Normandy (D-Day)

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