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Q: What types of tools did Giovanni de veranzano use?
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What tools did Giovanni da verrazano use?


What tools did Giovanni da Verrazzano use?

Compus, telescope, water, thermometer .

What types of tools did they use of seahorse?

Types of tools used for seahorses included XF analyzers.

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Foreign cars should use metric tools for repairs. With the exception of the tools being metric the types of tools will be the same.

What types of tools did early people use?


What types of tools did paleolithic use?

they used tools for hunting and making fire and thinhgs like that

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What types of tools do climatologists use?

Climatologists use a variety of tools such as weather stations, satellites, computer models, and instruments for measuring temperature, humidity, and precipitation. They also use data from ice cores, tree rings, and ocean sediment to study past climate patterns.

What types of tools do construction workers use?

There are many types of wood tools that construction workers use. Some of them are a chisel, a sliding bevel, a block plane, a clamp, a feather board and a saw horse.

What types of products are sold at Hot Tools?

Hot tools sells a variety of tools for home use such as garden tools, kitchen shears, and general maintenance tools such as hammers and screwdrivers.

What do nutritionist use?

Tools that nutritionists use include computers, different types of calculators, and planners. Most of their tools are electronic or are computer programs and apps.

What types of navigational or other tools do sailors use today?

They use thesatelliteand the computer technology