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Before World War II, Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union gained dictators. These dictators had a drive for power and wanted to take over surronding countries. This helped lead to the cause of World WarII.

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In Italy, Benito Mussolini came to power. He supported fascism, which was similar to communism, like loyalty to the state, but had several differences, such as a strong home defense and motives to gain land and expand. A fascist government regulates the lives of its citizens.
In Germany, Adolf Hitler came to power. Since Germany was still recovering from World War I, Hitler was easily recognized and supported. Like the rest of Germany, he blamed the Weimar Republic (the temporary and unofficial government in Germany) and Jews for the signing of the Versailles Treaty. Hitler's government wasn't communist. He enforced anti-semitism, or extreme racism against Jews, even though he also was against communists and corrupt political and business leaders. Hitler's first violation of the Versailles Treaty was building up Germany's army and it all escalated from there.

In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin came to power. Stalin's government was communist and he killed all his rivals in order to keep his power. The Great Purge was when Stalin terrorized and killed all his rivals, and nobody felt safe. People suspected of opposing Stalin were thrown in the gulags, or brutal labor camps. The victims of the Great Purge were a loss that would weigh heavily on Stalin in the future. All the great Soviet military leaders were killed in the gulags when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 and the Germans caught Stalin unprepared.

Although communism and fascism were similar, the Soviet Union joined the Allies to stop Germany, who broke their promise to not invade the Soviet Union. The Allies didn't trust Stalin, even though they were on the same side. Communism and fascism were two types of governments that didn't go hand-in-hand with Western democracy.
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Q: What types of leaders came to power in Italy Germany and the Soviet Union before world war ii?
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