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Q: What types of houses do settlers live in?
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hahah, no. some live in other types of houses as well.

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The Seminoles lived in winter and summer houses.

What kinds of homes did the settlers live in?

Settlers in different regions lived in various types of homes depending on the available resources. Common types of homes included log cabins, thatched cottages, adobe houses, and sod houses. These structures were often simple and built with local materials to provide shelter and protection from the elements.

Did early settlers live in log houses or teepees?

Generally, the first settlers lived in houses made with boards. The first houses were built inside palisades made from upright logs. These were basically forts. The houses and vegetable gardens were inside the palisades and somewhat safe from Indian attack. The log cabin would not come until about 60 years later when conditions became safe to live in a dwelling away from a palisade. Early settlers did not live in teepees. They housed Indians.

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same houses other countries do brick houses and some have wooden

What types of houses did people live in in the 1950s?

they lived in wooden houses..... I think? oh by the way they did not have any electricity

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What types of house houses did people live in before 1948?

People lived in small houses