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Q: What types of cases can be heard in the House of Lords?
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How long does a peerage last?

There are two types of peers: life peers and hereditary peers. LIfe peerages are awarded for life only and the titles are not passed onto heirs. They are awarded by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. Many life peers are political appointments to ensure political presence of the main political parties in the House of Lords. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York usually get life peerages on retirement, as do former Speakers of the House of Commons, Prime Ministers, Home, Defence and Foreign Secretaries and Chancellors. The 1999 House of Lords Act cut the number of hereditary peers entitled to a seat in the House of Lords from over 700 to 92 and ended the right to pass membership of the Lords down through the family.

What is a peerage and do they still exist in the UK today?

A peerage is basically a system of titles of the nobility in the United Kingdom, part of the British honour system. The term is used to refer to a collection of titles, and individually refer to a specific title. The Sovereign is the one who can grant or take away titles from a peer - they are considered the "fount of honor", or the head of state. They have the power and influence over these kind of decisions. If someone neither has a title or is part of a member of a peer's family, then they are also known as a "commoner". There are two types of peer: hereditary and life. Hereditary peers are the true British aristocracy and have less representation in parliament than life peers who have been elevated by the government because of their birth, usefulness in politics, the law, religion, the community or industry. The British Aristocracy, mainly the life peers, are appointed by the government or as Law Lords, senior judges, plus a small number of Bishops who also sit in the Lords have a ruling power in the legislature of the House of Lords, the upper chamber of Parliament. The House of Lords still has considerable power & influence in UK politics and are seen as a necessary moderator.

How many different types of computers have been invented?

I have a two volume set of books on just this subject, published in 1961. It lists more types than I could hope to list here. The first volume is on digital computer types and the second volume is on analog computer types. Imagine what has happened since 1961 that the author never heard of!

Why was the roman army horn player inporant?

The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.The various horn players of the Roman army were extremely important because they gave the signals to the army. In the noise and din of battle a human voice certainly could not be heard, so the various types of horns gave the signals.

What three types of slave labor might be found on a well established plantation?

what three types of slave labor might be found on a well established plantation

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What are the two types of of government in the United Kingdom?

House of Commons and House of Lords.

What type of Lords sit in the House of Lords?

There are three types of Lord: Life Peers (of which Law Lords are members), Hereditary Peers and Spiritual Peers.

What are the 2 main types of cases heard in courts?

Crimminal and Civil cases.

What article is court cases in federal jurisdiction?

Article III of the Constitution discusses what types of court cases are heard in federal courts, and which are heard under the Supreme Court's original and appellate jurisdictions.

Are serious crimes heard in state or federal courts?

State law crimes are heard in state court. Federal law crimes are heard in federal court. Both systems adjudicate different types of cases. In some cases the courts have concurrent jurisdiction and the authorities will conference to determine which court will take jurisdiction.

What are the different types of court hearings?

There's two different tiers of courts - civil and criminal. The top courts are the same for both. CRIMINAL Magistrates - EVERY criminal matter starts here, 97% of them finish here. They deal with all small crimes an consist of 3 lay magistrates (or one District Judge). Crown - Cases deemed to serious for the Mags come here. They are tried in front of a jury with a Judge presiding. Court of Appeal - Cases appealed ROM the Crown come here House of Lords - Cases appealed from the CoA come here CIVIL County - District Judge. Small room, informal, deals with all kind of civil matters County - Circut Judge - same building as above, but for cases that have become too complicated for DJ High Court - high profile cases or ones with an important point of law come here instead of County Court of Appeal - Apeals from County and High House of Lords - Appeals from CoA (Gwion - cases over £5k are still heard at County- they are called fast-track or multi-track cases. Under £5k are small claims) There's two different tiers of courts - civil and criminal. The top courts are the same for both. CRIMINAL Magistrates - EVERY criminal matter starts here, 97% of them finish here. They deal with all small crimes an consist of 3 lay magistrates (or one District Judge). Crown - Cases deemed to serious for the Mags come here. They are tried in front of a jury with a Judge presiding. Court of Appeal - Cases appealed ROM the Crown come here House of Lords - Cases appealed from the CoA come here CIVIL County - District Judge. Small room, informal, deals with all kind of civil matters County - Circut Judge - same building as above, but for cases that have become too complicated for DJ High Court - high profile cases or ones with an important point of law come here instead of County Court of Appeal - Apeals from County and High House of Lords - Appeals from CoA (Gwion - cases over £5k are still heard at County- they are called fast-track or multi-track cases. Under £5k are small claims)

Can the President influence the types of cases heard by the US Supreme Court?

No. Congress and Article III of the Constitution determine what types of cases the US Supreme Court may hear. The Supreme Court has complete discretion over the specific cases they review under both original and appellate jurisdiction. The President has no role in the process.

Types of cases?

There are a variety of types of legal cases. These include civil cases, as well as criminal legal cases.

What are the two houses of National Legislature?

House of Represenatives and the Senate

How do members get to be part of the House of Lords?

by inheriting themThis is wrong. Some do inherit their titles, but in fact the vast majority are created as life peers by the reigning sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister. It is a very common misconception that Members of the House of Lords all inherit their titles. An example of a Life peer is Lord Peter Mandelson of Foy. An example of a hereditary peer is Harold Macmillan, 1st Earl of Stockton.This answer is correct the British Parliament members of the House of Lords got their positions by inheriting them.

Types of civil cases in the Philippines?

Civil cases in the Philippines can include disputes involving contracts, property, family matters such as annulment or adoption, and damages for personal injury or breach of rights. These cases are heard in regular courts, such as Regional Trial Courts, and aim to resolve conflicts between individuals or entities relating to their civil rights and obligations.

What types of cases are heard in the US Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit?

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit hears appeal on cases involving patents, customs and international trade and claims against the United States.