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It's common to draw a distinction between 'ordinary' concentration camps like Dachau and Buchenwald, and extermination camps. The latter existed only for the purpose of killing. They are:

  1. Auschwitz II (Birkenau section)
  2. Belzec
  3. Chelmno
  4. Majdanek (part only)
  5. Sobibor
  6. Treblinka II

In addition, there were transit camps and various 'specialized' camps.

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13y ago

There were two main types of camps created by the Nazis during the Holocaust, namely concentration camps and extermination camps.

The term for concentration camps was borrowed from the British concentration camps during the Second Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. The concentration camps were placed where the enemies of the Nazis were enslaved, starved, tortured and killed. People in the concentration camps were put to work in harsh conditions. This included Jews, Soviet prisoners of wars, Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, people with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic clegy, Eastern European intellectuals and others like common criminals. Many prisoners died in the concentration camps due to maltreatment, disease, starvation and overwork.

The extermination camps is also known as death camps as these camps were only used to systematically kill people, mostly Jews, by gassing them. These camps were different from the concentration camps as new arrivals to these camps were immediately killed and were not put to work first. It included Chelmno, Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka. Auschwitz-Birkenau was a combination of concentration and extermination camps.

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12y ago

There was 5 different types of Camps but here is 2 most common.

Concentration Camps

Extermination Camps

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14y ago

Concentration and Death Camps

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Q: What types of camps were there in Germany?
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Concentration camps were in areas Germany and controlled, mainly Germany and Poland.

What were death camps in Germany called?

Concentration camps :)

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Nazi Germany created the extermination camps on occupied Polish territory. (Germany had invaded Poland in September 1939).

Concentration camps were in which country?

The camps were mainly in Germany and in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Did nazi Germany have secret concentration camps?

The extermination camps were top secret.

Where were the concentration camps mainly situated in Germany?

From 1940 onwards most of the very large concentration camps were in Poland or in areas annexed from Poland. they varied all in germany. Europe held a lot of the concentration camps. they lived in germany.

What were Germany's aggressive actions between 1938 1941?

concentration camps, and death camps

How many concentration camps in Germany were there back in 1940?

Back in 1940, there were five concentration camps in Germany. These camps were established to eradicate resistance groups, political prisoners, racial groups of the Jews and Roma.

How is America related the concentration camps in Germany?

it is not.

What countries ended the concentration camps?

Concentration camps have not ended. Germany ended theirs in 1945.