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Simply rain, gravestones are frequently made of marble and marble is etched by rain.

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Q: What type of weathering could act on a gravestone?
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How can gravity act as an agent of weathering?

If you drop a rock and it breaks into pieces, then that is an act of mechanical weathering.

Does weathering and erosion and deposition act together?


What are the forces that act on the grand canyon today?

Weathering and erosion of course.

What bis physicalweathing and it causes?

Physical weathering represents the act of rocks, land, etc, breaking apart or breaking down. The physical weathering is caused by the changes of the temperatures upon the things experiencing the physical weathering.

Does chemical weathering involve water?

Yes, chemical weathering often involves water. Water can act as a solvent and reactant in various chemical processes that break down rocks and minerals. Water can also transport dissolved ions and molecules, aiding in the weathering process.

Can you build a sand castle on the moon?

Logically, no you can't. There is no sand on the moon. That being said if you (for some reason) brought sand to the moon, you very well could. No forces of weathering or erosion would act on it there.

Is sand movement weathering or erosion?

Sand movement is primarily erosion, as it involves the transportation of sand particles from one location to another by wind, water, or ice. Weathering, on the other hand, refers to the breakdown of rocks or minerals into smaller particles without their transportation.

How is surface area related to weathering?

Surface area is directly related to weathering because the greater the surface area of a rock exposed to the elements, the faster the weathering process occurs. This is because more area allows for increased access of water, air, and other agents of weathering to act on the rock, leading to its breakdown and erosion over time.

How do three processes act together to wear down and build up surface?

Weathering, Erosion, and lastly Deposition!!!!! :)

How would the health and safety act affect a pastry business?

The health and safety act regulates what type of sinks can be used and what type of cooking surfaces. It would even effect what type of cleaning products could be used. It would specify how often inspections would be.

How do three processes act together to wear down and build up earth's surface?

Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, erosion transports these pieces to new locations, and deposition delivers these particles to build up new layers on the Earth's surface. Together, these processes continuously wear down and reshape the Earth's surface over time.

What prefix could be used to this act?

The prefix "co-" could be used with the act.