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They were considered left wing protest groups. They did not like the way the other two parties were going so they started up their own.

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Q: What type of third party are the populist party and the greenback party considered?
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The Populist Party and the Greenback Party are considered to be what type of third party?

Both the Greenback and Populist parties are Economic Protest parties. The Greenback party (1874-1889) was anti-monopoly, former agrarian party that attempted a farmer-labor coalition and the Populist Party (1887-1908) which was hostile toward the elite, banks, railroads and promoted a radical agrarian ideology.

What type of third party is the populist party and the greenback party?

The populist party was a radical agrarian-oriented American political party in the US from 1887 to 1908. The greenback party was an American political party with an anti-monopoly ideology which was active between 1874 and 1889.

Which third party is an example of an economic protest party?

An economic protest party would be something like the greenback party or populist party.

Soft money third party?

"Greenback" Party

What third party is an example of a splinter party?

The Populist party

Which third party is an example of a splinter party?

The Populist Party

Third political party that emerged in the 1890's?

The People's Party, or the Populist party.

Was the populist successful?

The Populist movement was not successful. They ran a third party candidate for president in 1892 and lost. However, it was the most successful of the third parties.

What third parties stood for prohibition party - progressive party or greenback party or free soil party or know nothing party or bull mose party?

The Progressive Party represented prohibition.

Why the populist party can be considered a successful third party in us hisyory?

The People's Party, also known as the Populist Party, was considered successful as a third party in U.S. history because it gained significant support from farmers and laborers in the late 19th century. The party managed to influence major policies and bring attention to issues affecting the common people, such as advocating for the coinage of silver and other pro-labor reforms. Despite not achieving long-term success as a standalone party, the Populist movement had a lasting impact on American politics by influencing the agendas of the major parties.

Soft-money third party that polled over a million votes and elected fourteen congressmen in 1878 by advocating inflation?

Greenback Labor Party

Which major third party emerged in the 1890s to pursue the interests of Southerners and WesternersWhich major third party emerged in the 1890s to pursue the interests of Southerners and Westerners?

the populist party