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The ancient Romans did not have a "religion" as we think of religion today. They were pantheocratic. In fact, most of them were rather irreligious, performing religious duties when they were expected to be performed or when they needed a favor from some god. However some of them belonged to actual groups that were followers of some god or goddess. Today we would call them cults. There were the cults of Isis, Cybele and Mithras, then, after a time Christianity.

As additional information, the socalled religions of the ancient Romans changed a bit as time passed. The most informative description might be that the ancient Romans were pagans. To some degree the pagan gods were part of Roman culture and as example, Augustus took on the title of Pontimus Maximus upon the death of the previous owner of this religious title. This conferred him as chief priest. Upon his death the Senate deified Augustus. So in some measure we see that paganism played a part even if superficial in Roman life.

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The roman catholic church they were catholic christans

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The Romans had a pantheistic type of religion. They worshiped and tolerated a wide variety of gods and cults.

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Q: What type of religion did the roman empire have?
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What is the dominant religion in ancient roman?

The dominant religion in the Roman Empire was the Roman religion until Christianity became the dominant religion.

What religion did Alexander the Great's Empire have?

It was mainly Christianity, as that was the official religion of the Roman Empire.

What was the name of religion practice in roman empire?

In the Roman Empire up to the time of Constantine, the official religion was Greco-Roman paganism. After Constantine it became Christianity.

When was Christianity proclaimed official religion of Eastern Empire?

Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.

What is the major religion of holy roman empire?

Roman Catholicism

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Through most of their history the ancient Romans had their own religion: Roman Religion. In the Later Empire Christianity spread in the Roman Empire, was endorsed by the Roman emperors and became state religion.

What is the dominant religion in ancient roman?

The dominant religion in the Roman Empire was the Roman religion until Christianity became the dominant religion.

What religion did Alexander the Great's Empire have?

It was mainly Christianity, as that was the official religion of the Roman Empire.

What was the name of religion practice in roman empire?

In the Roman Empire up to the time of Constantine, the official religion was Greco-Roman paganism. After Constantine it became Christianity.

When was Christianity proclaimed official religion of Eastern Empire?

Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD under emperor Theodosius I.

Which empire declared Christianity to be the religion of the roman empire?

The emperor Theodosius I declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman empire. In fact, he made Christianity mandatory for all.

What is the major religion of holy roman empire?

Roman Catholicism

How do you still use Roman religion today?

Roman religion died out nearly 2,000 years ago and we do not use it today. What we have inherited form the Romans are Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. Christianity spread around the Roman Empire and developed into the Catholic and Orthodox creeds in the Roman days. The former was the religion of the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter was the religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

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No religion made the Roman empire fall. The western empire fell because of internal and external pressures.

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Under the reign of which emperor did Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire?

Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.Theodosius I was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.

What religon rose in the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire was a mosaic of many religions. The Romans had their own religion: Roman religion. the conquered peoples had their own religions and were allowed to continue to worship them.