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An amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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Q: What type of proposed legislation needs a majority vote in congress and redefinition in state legislation?
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A president who leads a party that does not have a majority in congress will generally have a more difficult time?

getting his proposed legislation passed

Proposed laws or legislation is evaluated by?

selected members of congress

What should or shouldnt become a law?

1. Any proposed legislation that is or would be deemed unconstitutional cannot become law; 2. Any proposed legislation that does not reflect the will of the people should not become law; 3. Any proposed legislation that ultimately does not achieve a majority in both House of Congress cannot be enacted; 4. Any enacted legislation that is not signed by the President in accordance with the Presentment Clause cannot be law; 5. Any enacted legislation vetoed by the President, such veto not being subsequently overcome by a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress, cannot be law.

What is a piece of legislation proposed by a member of Congress is called?

It is called a Hopper.

What is Trips taken by congress in order to gather information on proposed legislation?

There are occasions in which Congress must take trips to gain information on proposed legislation. These trips are known as junket trips.

Who are bills written by?

Bills are written by legislation. After they are written, they are the proposed in congress. If the bill passes congress, it is then an official bill or law.

President checks congress by?

He can veto a bill proposed by Congress. Then again, Congress can check the President by overriding the veto with a 2/3 majority vote from both houses.

The president proposes a highway construction bill to congress and then pressures lawmakers to pass the proposed legislation which role is the president fulfilling?

The chief legislature is the role the President is fulfilling when the President proposes a highway construction bill to Congress and then pressures lawmakers to pass the proposed legislation.

What is a proposed of legislation called?

A bill. After it goes through the proccess of being ratified by the majority in the House and the Senate, and has the President's approval does it become a law, or piece of legislation

A proposed or enacted law or group of laws?

Legislation is a proposed or enacted law or group of laws that are created and passed by a governing body, such as a parliament or congress. Legislation is designed to regulate various aspects of society, including behaviors, activities, and relationships between individuals and entities.

What is a proposed piece of legislation called?

A bill. After it goes through the proccess of being ratified by the majority in the House and the Senate, and has the President's approval does it become a law, or piece of legislation

Which was a method of choosing the president that was proposed at the constitutional convention but was rejected by a majority of the delegates?

Congress would elect them.