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Q: What type of offensive did Germany use to invade Poland?
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What type of guarantees did England and France have with Poland?

The British promise to Poland was different than that of France. The British agreement with the Poles was a bit vague. In fact, England had very few troops to send to France at the time, let alone troops for Poland. On the other hand, the French had committed to Poland real assistance. France had promised Poland almost immediate offensive action at Germany, should Hitler attack Poland. Weeks before Hitler's invasion of Poland, however, the French high military command informed their government that an effective offensive move against Germany might take a year or more to have it ready. Clearly the French government was in a bind. If the military was truthful, then the danger was not about helping Poland, but what would France do if Hitler attacked France?

Who split Poland at the beginning of World War II?

Type your answer here... Germany and Russia

What were the remote causes of World War 2?

Type your answer here... Germany did an unprovoked attack on Poland

What was the source of World War 2?

Hitler Germany fighting n Poland type error: why did ww2 happen?

What was the area Germany attacked to start world war 2?

Type your answer here... Poland... During a press conference before the war, Hitler promised not to expand Germany anymore.... but they just expanded and started attacking Poland... France and UK Was Pissed off so the declared war on Germany

Will a northern European adapter work in Hungary?

Yes. Hungary has the same type of outlets and voltage as most European countries, like France, Germany, Poland, and Sweden.

Where did Germany begin its was offensive and what happened there?

World War 2 was started with the first Nazi offensive in Poland on September 1, 1939. They came in with a blitzkrieg strategy of attack. This type of attack uses air, land and sea (if possible) methods of offense. So they went in with tanks, airplane bombers and infantry forces ALL AT ONE TIME at several areas of the Polish border. The story is long so we have supplied the rest of it on the link below.

Which part of the empire did the burgundians invade?

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What type of government does Poland have?

Polska (Rzeczpospolita Polska)= REPUBLIC of Poland

What type of vegetation does Poland have?

potatos :) :)

What type of farming does Poland do?
