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Q: What type of government has only one ruler?
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What form of government did Fertile Crescent have?

The Fertile Crescent maintained a government based on theocracy. In a theocracy, a deity is recognized as the ruler of the government.

What articles of confederation created a government that had only one of these?

The Articles of Confederation created a government that had only one branch of government. It was the Legislative Branch.

What type of government was created when Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into 4 units each with its own ruler and how does this compare to US divisions of power between state and local government?

The type of government was the tetrarchy (rule by four). Each of the four parts of the empire was headed by one of four co-emperors, two senior ones (Augusti) and to junior ones (Caesars). The system was the opposite of that of the US, where the states have a large degree of autonomy from the central government. One of the purposes of Diocletian's system was to increase the control of the central government over the governors of the provinces of the Roman Empire.

How is the roman republic and US similar?

They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.They were the same type of entity. An empire is defined as a large territory administered by one central government. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government as she had provinces all administered by the central government in Rome. Under the principate, or what is erroneously called the "empire" only the method of government changed. Rome was still an empire.

What is the only substance that contains only one type of atom?

A substance that contains only one type of atom is called an "element".

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