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The government of Wales is called the Welsh Assembly Governement (often abbrieviated to WAG). At the moment (14/1/8) The government is a coalition of Labour and Plaid Cymru (The Party of Wales) The government is run at the National Assembly from the Senedd (which is Welsh for senate) Building in Cardiff Bay

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The forms of government that Wales have is ministered by the UK. This was and is originated in the United Kingdom and has a coalition of people surrounded in this world.

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The Welsh Assembley Government (WAG)

What kind of government does Wales have?

== == == == Wales is just a region of the United Kingdom. It now has its own Welsh Assembly with limited powers but otherwise is governed from Westminster by the UK government, which is a two chamber parliament.

Is the country of Wales a democracy?

Yes, Wales has its own elected Assembly and is also part of the Untied Kingdom, which has a democratic system of government.

Is Wales governed by the English government?

Wales has its own assembly where in can legislate on most things apart from defence, international affairs and currency.