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The pharaoh watched over the law courts and was the chief of the temples. He was an army leader and controlled trade expeditions. He supervised the water system and stored the grain.

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9y ago
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12y ago

um the pharaoh was the main part of the government he is a king not a president !!!!!!!!!!!! what a king says goes but not with the president he needs pplz approvel:)

Answerthe Pharaoh is part of the government her is a king what he says goes -look it up-
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14y ago

The government of Egypt was Dictatorship!whatever the pharaoh said goes.if he said for someone to jump off a cliff,they'd have to do it or experience a slow,painful death.So the people of Egypt had to worship the pharaoh greatly because of religion rules. Also the pharaoh was powerful enough to do anything he wanted to the people (egyptians) had not a lot of energy to do things but the phahoarh would say like "don't stop or death for you". he would never let let stop so the government was hard also because if they did not have enough energy what would they be doing byu now.

I believe that the Pharaoh had many styles that affected Egyptian's lives by the punishments that go by the social class that can be unfair even though he tried to make it fair.

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10y ago

Memphis was located between Upper and Lower Egypt, near present day Cairo. From the palace in Memphis, the Pharaoh decided how Egypts affairsshould be run.

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11y ago

if you committed a crime they would do the same thing to you (eye for an eye) the government was like a social pyramid with slaves at the bottom and pharaohs at the top

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