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Its assumed that he was a Thrax, or a gladiator who fought in the Thracian armor and style. However this is only an assumption, because on the other hand he is sometimes described as a Thracian prisoner of war, Thracian being his ethnicity, and he could have fought in another style as another type of gladiator.

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Q: What type of gladiator was spartacus?
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Where was the real gladiator named Spartacus born?

Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator.

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When did spartacus become a gladiator?

Spartacus became a gladiator when he was captured and trained. I know this is not a very specific answer, but we know very, very little about Spartacus, the man. We don't even know if "Spartacus" was his real name. He comes into history as a leader of a slave revolt and leaves history as a defeated enemy.

What did gladiator spartacus do in 73 BC?

Led a slave revolt

When was the Thracian gladiator born and when did he Die?

The Thracian gladiator was Spartacus. He was born around 109 BC and died in 71 BC.

What is the movie Spartacus about?

As the title should tell you, the movie Spartacus is about the gladiator who escaped along with others and terrorized Italy. Much of the movie versions of Spartacus are fictionalized as very little is actually known about the person called Spartacus.

Who was Spartacus and what was he famous for?

Spartacus was a slave gladiator who escaped with a few followers, gained more followers until he had a sizeable army of escaped slaves and then terrorized the Italian peninsula.

In the movie Spartacus is the gladiator equipment accurate?

yes, a lot of research was done in order to make this film accurate.

How was being a gladiator for Spartacus?

He probably didn't enjoy it very much considering he led a rebellion to try to get away from it.

Did Spartacus have a son?

It's possible, but its not known weather Spartacus had any children. All we know for certain about him is that he was an escaped gladiator who led a slave revolt against Rome. Anything else is speculation.

What was the fate of six thousand captured Spartacus soldiers when the rebellion had ended?

Six thousand captured soldiers from the defeated army of Spartacus were crucified. Their cruxifiction crosses were laid out on the Appian Way. The crosses stretched from Rome to Capua where Spartacus had been trained as a gladiator.

Who was the gladiator spartacus?

Very little is factually known about Spartacus. We know he was a gladiator who escaped along with some others and rampaged all through Italy. He is often described as a Thracian, but it is not clear weather this is his nationality or his gladiatorial style of fighting. He had to have been a persuasive talker in order to get others to follow him in his escape, (the punishment was a nasty death, if they were caught) and he had to have had some military knowledge in order to elude the Romans for so long. That's all we can factually say about Spartacus.