

What type of energy is stored in an atomic bomb?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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10y ago

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The same as is stored in other bombs and even ordinary nonexplosive objects: mass energy. The amount of this energy in a given object in conventional units is given by the well known equation E=Mc2, or in relativistic units by the equation E=M.

The difference is the atomic bomb is able to release a much larger amount of this energy because it can convert more of its available mass to energy.

Note: in the fatman bomb which had a yield of about 22 kilotons, the bomb weighed 10,000 pounds (4536 kilograms), the plutonium core weighed 6.2 kilograms; only about 700 grams of the plutonium fissioned and only about 1 gram of mass was converted to energy! An explosion of 22 kilotons of ordinary TNT also converts only about 1 gram of mass to energy.

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A nuclear fission reaction occurs in an atomic bomb. This is when the nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

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What kind of bomb exploded in Nagasaki?

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