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Q: What type of economy did the river civilizations have?
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Like virtually all civilizations, Russia started out as an agriculturally based economy.

What type of rulers did most Ancient River Civilizations have?

The majority of the river civilizations of the ancient times had a King or an Emperor from the Sumer to Assyrian right through the Achaemenide Persian Empire.

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The economy of early civilizations was based around agriculture.

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There was only one civilization that existed on the Tigris and Euphrates River. That civilization was Mesopotamia. There were three other civilizations that existed in other areas. These civilizations were the Egyptians, the Longshan, and the Harappa.

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The Nile River helped civilizations to develop in West Africa.

What where the accomplishments of the early river valley civilizations?

The Nile River was the axis of two early African civilizations

The first Chinese civilizations developed around what river?

Huang He

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The first civilizations emerged in river valleys around what year?

5000 B.C. is when the first civilizations emerged in river valleys.

What continents had the first river valley civilizations and which continent had the most?

The first river valley civilization was Mesopotamia, located in Asia. Asia has had the most river valley civilizations.

Which civilizations economy was similar to that of the Phoenicians?

Great Britain.