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First group consisted of 90 Nakijima B5N "Kate" bombers. 50 were armed with armour piercing bombs, and 40 were armed with torpedoes.

Second group consisted of 54 Aichi D3A "Val" dive bombers, armed with general purpose freefall bombs.

Third group consisted of 45 Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" fighters, who were tasked with maintaining air superiority and strafing airfields with their guns.

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This is a common problem that occurs to girls and funnily enough even gays. This means that he doesn't want you, he wants your best friend who is in fact smarter, prettier and skinnier then you will ever be. BUT! Don't worry you won't be forever alone (Maybe you will be there is no way to tell and I'm just trying to make you feel better about dying alone...) there is a 2nd option. Quickly run to the nearest pet shop and buy 100 cats, name them all and make sure you treat them better then yourself, this way at least something will love you.

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Q: What type of bombs were used to bomb pearl harbor?
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What type of guns were used to attack pearl harbor?

Air plane bombs and torpedoes were

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Atomic bombs are a type of Nuclear bomb and there are 2 types of nuclear bombs. The second type of nuclear bomb is a hydrogen bomb.

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Pearl Harbor was a naval base, and was classified as a lagoon harbor.

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No one single type of bomb. Mixture of anti-personel bombs such as CBUs, and guided bombs to destroy tanks or bunkers.

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Nuclear bombs is all types of bombs that use nuclear energy. It is not a type of bomb,just a category of bombs. hydrogen bomb is the strongest bomb ever, and its blast yield can go up to 100megatons of TNT.

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The movie Pearl Harbor falls into three categories: Action, Drama, and Romance.

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there were two types of nuclear bombs. A "gun type" bomb and an implosion type one with a plutonium core

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The bombs used on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were both fission bombs, not fusion bombs.

What are the essential materials used in created bombs?

Depends on the type of bomb.

Why was the United states fighting japan in World War 2?

Answer Once wasn't enough. They Japanese did not surrender. So, the US dropped another bomb. Interestingly, the US prepared at least two atomic bombs. I don't know if they constructed any more or not. The two bombs were of different type of design so one was a large round sphere---called Fat Boy.

What is the most powerful type of nuclear bomb?

The most powerful type of nuclear bomb is the hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb. These bombs use a two-stage process, with an initial fission reaction triggering a fusion reaction, resulting in a much larger explosion compared to atomic bombs.

Description of the dropping of both bombs?

One was an uranium fission bomb and the other was a plutonium implsion type bomb.