

Best Answer

Pearl Harbor was an airel assault carried out by Japanese troops. Navy sailors fought the Japanese with the guns on their battleshisp and destoryers. US fighters were used also.

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Q: What type of battle was Pearl Harbor?
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Who played a key role in Pearl Harbor battle?

pearl harbor was not really a battle is was more of an attack by the Japanese on the naval fleets that were stationed in pearl harbor.

Where did they do the battle of pearl harbor?


What was America's first world war 2 battle?

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The "Battle of Pearl Harbor."

What was the cause in the attact of Pearl Harbor?

The elimination of the US Navy Battle Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor.

What type of base was it that the US had at pearl harbor?

Pearl Harbor was a naval base, and was classified as a lagoon harbor.

What was the Japanese approach on attacking Pearl Harbor?

Eliminate the US Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor with ONE swift stroke.

Was Japan in the battle of pearl harbor?

Japan did the attacking.

Was the uss North Carolina in the battle of pearl harbor?

No, it was not......

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Japan won the Battle of Pearl Harbor.

Why was the battle at pearl harbor significant?

the battle was the start of world war 2

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