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The Latin alphabet.

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Q: What type of alphabet was adopted for writing English during the late sixth century?
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Related questions

What do you call the system of writing in Rome?

The ancient Romans used the alphabet we use: the Latin alphabet. Latin was their language. Western languages have adopted and adapted the Latin alphabet.

Does Sweden use the same alphabet for writing as you do in English?

Not exactly. Swedish is written in a modified Roman alphabet, as English is. But it has certain diacritical marks that are absent from the alphabet used to write English.

When was ancient writing first invented in ancient Rome?

The Latin alphabet and Latin writing emerged in the early 7th century BC. The Latin alphabet was an adaptation of a version of the western Greek alphabet used in the Greek city of Cumae, near Naples. The Greeks had two types of alphabet, the western one and an eastern one. The western alphabet was introduced in Italy by Greeks who settled in southern Italy. It was adopted and adapted by all the native peoples of ancient Italy.

Every English alphabet translated to Japanese alphabet?

There is only one English alphabet, and it cannot be translated into the Japanese alphabet because there is no such thing as a Japanese alphabet. Japanese uses syllabaries and picture-symbols in its writing.

What is the writing system of English called?

We use the Latin alphabet, which was derived from the Greek alphabet, which was derived from the Phoenician alphabet that derived from cuneiform which derived from pictographs (hieroglyphs)Latin alphabet for English: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZLatin alphabet for Latin: ABCDEFZHIKLMNOPQRSTVWXGreek alphabet: ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ

Whom did the Ancient Greeks borrow their writing system?

From Phoenician alphabetic script, modified progressively to suit their own language pronunciations. Later 8th Century BCE.

What three kinds of writing that were started by the ancient Greeks?

From the 8th Century BCE, an alphabet based on the Phoenican invention.

What letter of the English alphabet occurs most often in writing?

or it could be A

How do you spell victorious people in Cherokee?

"victorious people" is not in Cherokee, and this section of the site is about the English language. Cherokee was not a written language until the early 19th century, when a special set of characters (not the English alphabet) was invented for writing it.

How did the Phoenician alphabet affect the Mediterranean?

It provided a means of written communication in a readily understandable and economical way. It was adapted and adopted by other civilisations, leading to Greek and Latin writing, and our alphabets of today.

What is one of the Phoenicians most important ideas?

Principally the alphabetic way of writing.

Is there a letter missing from the greek alphabet and the English alphabet?

No there are no missing letters from the Latin Alphabet for English. There are also no letters missing from the Greek Alphabet. Both alphabets are in tact.