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French and Indian war.

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Q: What two wars were caused by a conflict between the colonists and Indians over land?
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Find about Stamp act how did it lead to the conflict between Americans colonies and England?

It outraged the American colonists that such large taxes were being placed on themselves without their consent. This caused greater mistrust between the American colonists and England

Which area caused the greatest misunderstanding between native Americans and colonists?

Probably the greatest miscommunication was regarding treaties and land ownership. The Indians didn't feel like they owned the land and the colonists didn't observe the treaties.

What caused the 2nd conflict at Anahuac?

The 2nd conflict at Anahuac was caused by tensions between Texian colonists and Mexican authorities over issues such as tariffs, customs duties, and land rights. The Texians resisted the enforcement of Mexican laws, leading to a standoff at the Anahuac garrison in 1832.

What caused conflict between the colonists and the native Americans?

It was the fighting with the native Americans that caused all the conflicts between them. One of them were that when settlers came and sellted from europe,asia,africa spain and many other places.

In the movie Pocahontas what did the soldiers think about the Indians?

In the movie Pocahontas, the soldiers considered the Indians savages. This caused great conflict among the soldiers and the Indians.

What caused problems between between the Roanoke settlers and the American Indians?

The primary causes of conflict between the Roanoke settlers and the American Indians were cultural differences, misunderstandings, and competition over resources such as land. These differences often led to tensions, miscommunication, and eventually violence between the two groups.

What caused conflicts between Southern colonists and their native American neighbors?

The colonists settled on the Native Americans' land, and they destroyed some villages. Some colonists did not treat Native Americans justly. Others captured them and sold them into slavery. Many Native Americans died of European disease, all causing conflict between Southern Colonists and Native Americans

Why did the original boundaries of Maryland present a problem to colonists?

The original boundaries of Maryland overlapped with those of Pennsylvania, leading to territorial disputes and conflicting land claims between the two colonies. This caused tension and conflict between colonists and created uncertainty over land ownership.

What caused conflict between science and the romantic Catholic Church?

The birth and growth of science led to the conflict between scientists and the church.

How did the french and Indian war change relations between the colonists and Britain's?

It caused tension between their relationship

Why did so many colonists die at early Jamestown?

The settlers did not have adequate shelter and food . After the Indians saw that they had come to stay , they became unfriendly , refused to give them food and threatened them if they left their fort. Thus food became really scarce.

What between 1609 and 1610 caused the loss of 500 settlers among colonists in Jamestown?

Between 1609 and 1610 the colonists in Jamestown lost 500 settlers due to the encounter of thick forests and later the conditions became severe due to drought,famine, disease and the Indians who attacked them. Many people died due to those harsh conditions.