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Q: What two people made up the Vietcong?
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How many groups made up the caddo people?

Two groups

What weapons did Vietcong use against the US?

The South Vietnam Army used firearms from the U.S. such as the M14 and the M16 or the M1 Carbine since South Vietnam was the ally of the U.S! The Vietcong used mainly the AK-47 provided by China and Russia.

What is a search and destroy mission?

In Vietnam the search-and-destroy missions were when US soldiers went into the heart of the Vietnamese countryside searching for the Vietcong, destroying any enemy strongholds, supplies or weapons they found. They often had to avoid traps set up by the Vietcong, such as mines under steps and leaves.

How did American soldiers feel about being in Vietnam?

typically a vietcong soldier had undying loyalty to his cause and he would never surender and he would sooner die then let the U.S prevail. The reason behind this is because unlike the NVA who forced most of their army into service the vietcong was a seperate militia that was not apart of the NVA conventional millitary. The vietcong wasn't much differnt then the insurgents in the middle east today. They were mostly radicals who voulentered to be in the Vietcong. And any soldeirs who joined and were not Loyal enough for the officers liking were executed. But this was usally never the case. One reason this was, because the Vietcong was vastly made up of children that were as young as twelve, and had been basically brainwashed into having undying loyalty the the Vietcong cause.

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