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the western, Germany and pacific front Japan...however, you could say there were three fronts. those two are important, but the other is the home front. it had the most impact on the US economicaly,politicaly and socialy.

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Q: What two major fronts was world war 2 fought on?
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The Eastern and the Western Fronts.

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It fought the war in two separate locations.It had to split its army to fight on two fronts.~APEX

What where the two fronts of World War 2?

There were actually three fronts in World War Two. The Pacific, European, and North African fronts.

What were the two fronts Germany fought on?

Western, Eastern & Balkan (Italian), and to a lesser extent Middle Eastern.

What two major countries fought for the us in World War 1?

U.K. and italy

Two major areas in which World War 2 was fought?

Europe and the Pacific Ocean.

Who were the two major groups that fought in world war 1?

the triple alliance and the triple entente

Why World War 2 was considered a two-front war?

World War Two was fought in the Pacific and the Atlantic and Western Europe and Eastern Europe (and Africa) at the same time. So technically the war was fought on many fronts. In Europe it was a two front war on the West and East side. When you consider the USA the war was fought on two sides of the nation in two different oceans and different countries so they considered it a two front war too.

How was World War 2 fought at sea?

America fought the Pacific War with a strategy called island hopping. This was when America would fight the Japanese off of an island, and then use that island to target the next island. The island battles were horrifically brutal, as the Japanese fought till the death.