One of the threats Elizabeth I faced was the spanish Armada which tried to invade England led by King Philips of Spain Bloody Mary's husband he tried to invade because he thought that he should rule England because Mary was his wife but the English didn't want a foreign ruling so the helped Elizabeth.
What problems faced Elizabeth the 1st face
Elizabeth the 1st
Her main problem was that, as she never married, she did not have an heir. In her last days, she indicated that her cousin, James VI of Scotland, should inherit the English throne.
Henry 7, Henry 8, Edward 6, Mary, Elizabeth, James, Charles.
What problems faced Elizabeth the 1st face
Elizabeth faced religious problems because she was a Jew and England at the time were protestants.
She was known as Good Queen Bess, but her main title was The Virgin Queen, because she did not marry.
Being faithful and loyal to her country and she did not ever marry for she was married to her people
Blackadder is the main carachter in a series of comedy shows from different times in history(e.g. Elizabeth 1st, world war1.)
The 1st QUEEN called Elizabeth.
Elizabeth the First had no children.
Elizabeth 1st until 1603
Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533.
Elizabeth Tudor was the full name of Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Elizabeth the 1st and James the 1st