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sunni ali and muhamad ture

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Q: What two leaders expanded the Songhai Empire?
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What were two reasons why Songhai fell to the Moroccans?

the Songhai empire was defeated due to the lack of modern use of weapons by the Songhai military

Who was the leader of the ghaznavid empire?

The Ghaznavid Empire existed for two centuries and therefore had a great number of leaders. Probably the most famous and important of them was Mahmud of Ghazni, who expanded the borders of the Ghaznavid Empire to their greatest extent.

What were two reasons why songhai fell to the morovcans?

Two reasons why Songhai fell to the Moroccans were internal instability within the Songhai Empire, which weakened their defense against the Moroccan invasion, and the superior military technology and tactics of the Moroccan forces, particularly their effective use of gunpowder weapons.

Two present day countries that made up Songhai?

Niger and Mali are present-day countries that were part of the Songhai Empire in West Africa during the 15th and 16th centuries. The empire covered a vast area that included these two modern nations.

What are the Three Great emperors of Songhai?

The Three Great emperors of Songhai were actually Two Great emperors of Songhai, which were Sunni Ali and Askia the Great. You could actually consider Musa another Great emperor of Songhai, since he made his father, Askia the Great, leave the throne because Askia the Great became blind, and Musa reigned after him, and then then empire of Songhai collapsed.

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Julius Caesar and his adoptive son, Augustus.

Who were the two Inca leaders to quarrel?

Atahualpa and Huascar Inca leaders quarreled and the Spanish conqueror Fransciso Pizzarro took advantage to ransack the Inca Empire in 1532.

What are two main ideas why Alexander the great expanded his empire through many successful campaigns?

from greek culture and greek ideas

What two factors made Italy an ideal location for an empire to grow?

The two factors that made Italy an ideal location were access to trade and a strong military expanded throughout the Mediterranean.

Why we're the Mongols unable to conquer japan?

Hoping to expand their empire further, the Mongols launched two naval assaults on Japan, but were thwarted by hurricanes. The Mongol Empire expanded little after the creation of the Yuan Dynasty.

What two empire continued to spread Islam after the Arab empire collapsed?

Several different empires continued to spread Islam after the collapse of the Abbassid Caliphate, the last Arab-led Caliphate (prior to the 21st century). Some of these numerous states include: the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, the Timurid Empire, the Mughal Empire, the numerous Islamic Sultanates in Indonesia (specifically in Sumatra and Java), the Omani Empire and Somali States, the Songhai Empire in central Africa, etc.