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Blacks and women

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Q: What two groups were not included in the declaration of independence?
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What two groups were included in the Declaration of Independence?

Blacks and women

What two groups were not represented in the Declaration of Independence?

African slaves and Native Americans were both left out of the Declaration of Independence.

Included among the signers of the Declaration of Independence were two future presidents who were they?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence was written in order to gain the support of two crucial groups?

Dis Dick

Which battles took place before the Declaration of Independence was signed?

Only two battles took place before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. These battles included the Battle of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill.

The Declaration of Independence was written in order to gain the support of two crucial groups What were they?

the stamp act congress and the first continental congress

What were the two crucial groups that the declaration of independence was written in order to gain the support of?

the stamp act congress and the first continental congress

What are two important documents written in philadelphia?

Declaration of Independence First Continental Congress Declaration of Independence and Constituion of the us

What two states didn't approve the Declaration of Independence?

1 state didn't approve the declaration of independence and that state was New York

What are the two sections of the declaration of independence?

life and liberty

What are the two rights in the declaration of independence?

life liberty

What two groups had no rights under the declaration?

i think Abigail Adams, wife of delegate John Adams, are two groups had no rights under the declaration.