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Q: What two early victories in New Jersey boosted the American's spirits?
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What earlt defeats did the patriots face?

The Patriots got defeated in Canada and New York, but then sprung up and had victories in New Jersey and Saratoga.

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What two victories virtually freed New Jersey from British occupation and gave new hope to Washington's men?

Battle at Saratoga and Valley Forge

What early defeats did the patriots did the patriots experience?

The Patriots got defeated in Canada and New York, but then sprung up and had victories in New Jersey and Saratoga.

Why were Native Americans prominent to New Jersey colony?

they were a bigger army

What is the tribe for native Americans in new jersey?

Abnaki, and mohawk tribes

Who was the first person to discover New Jersey?

New Jersey wasn't discovered, it was created. Just ask the native Americans that were displaced by European settlers who eventually called it New Jersey.