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The English Bill of Rights and the Virginia Declaration of Rights

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Q: What two documents are the bill of rights based on?
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What document is the UK governed by?

The United Kingdom is actually governed by two documents, The Bill of Rights (English Bill of Righst, not to be confused with the U.S. Bill of Rights) and Magna Carta.

What are the two English documents that limited the power of the monarch?

The Magna Carta and The English Bill of Rights.

After which two british documents did the the Americans model their new government?

The English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta

Which two English documents influenced American government?

the constitution and the declaration of independence

What documents did Americans look to when creating a new government?

The English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta. These were the only two because England had limited the power of its kings and queens in two documents.

What is the difference in GI Bill of Rights and Bill of Rights?

the there two different bill of rights

What important documents that the founding fathers used to help them create the American government?

The English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta. These were the only two because England had limited the power of its kings and queens in two documents.

Four early documents that established basic rights for people and government?

if it's for your government homework it's John Locke's "Two Treaties on Government, English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, and Petition of Right

How is the bill of rights and the Declaration of Independence the same?

The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are two separate and distinct documents. The Declaration of Independence explains why it had become necessary for the United States of America to declare its independence from England. The Bill of Rights listed a number of things that congress can not do. There is a connection. After the first four long sentences, The Declaration of Independence contains a bill of particulars. Some of the issues in the bill of particulars are in the bill of rights. You can download the entire Declaration and the entire Constitution and compare the bill of particulars with the Constitution.

What are two basic rights not included in the Bill of Rights?

Right to Privacy and...

What other important document was signed in philadelphia?

Philadelphia played a major role in the Revolution and development of the United States. Two documents in particular: The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were drafted and signed in Philadelphia in the 18th century in the neighborhood now known as "Old City."

What are two constitutions that have a bill of rights?

Too old!