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Russia and USA.

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Q: What two countries almost went to war as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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What item did the Cuban missile crisis develop?

As a result of the Cuban missile crisis, an emergency hotline was set up connecting the White House and the Kremlin.

Did the Cuban Missile Crisis result in the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?

yes; true ;

A Hot line between moscow and Washington dc was a result of what?

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962

What were the result of the Cuban missile crisis?

A "hot line" was installed between Moscow and Washington D.C. (novanet)

What was the potential danger of the Cuban missile crisis?

A nuclear war, which would result in a nuclear winter and the end of most if not all of life on Earth.

As a result of the cuban missile crisis?

An escalation of the conflict could have led to a nuclear strike by either superpower.

How did the Cuban missile crisis affect public opinion about President Kenney?

The Cuban missile crisis initially boosted President Kennedy's popularity as his handling of the crisis was widely praised. The crisis showcased his strong leadership skills, and many Americans viewed him as successfully standing up to the perceived Soviet threat. However, there were also critics who argued that the crisis was a result of Kennedy's initial failure to prevent the installation of missiles in Cuba, which led to increased tensions with the Soviet Union.

What was one result of the Cuban missile crisis?

Because the world came extremely close to nuclear war, during the Cuban missile crisis, it made people very nervous, and prolonged the distrust and hostility between the US and the USSR, which really ended only in 1989, with the collapse of the USSR.

Who was to blame for the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The Cuban missile crises was caused by the Soviet Union, who was allied with Cuba. The Soviet Union dispatched missiles to Cuba to strike the U.S. mainland and deal a crippling blow to the U.S. military and morale.

Why did Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchez create the hot line?

It was a result of the Cuban missile crisis. Both sides, the US & USSR, realized they needed to negotiate instead of threatening each other with nuclear weapons.

Effect of energy crisis?

The energy crisis can result in rolling blackouts.

Do all countries mine same minerals?

Yes, otherwise we would have no agricultural development and then as a result of that the economy will collapse and then we will all be in a financial crisis.. but even if we didn't we would still need the supply of other resources from other countries as not all countries can produce every resource.