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U.S. and Russia?

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Q: What two allied powers remained standing by 1941?
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Who controlled the allied powers in 1941?

Great Britain controlled the Allied powers in 1941

When did join the allied powers?

As soon as Germany invaded Russia in June 1941.

When did USSR join the allied powers?

As soon as Germany invaded Russia in June 1941.

What were the Allied powers doing in 1941?

Britain & Russia (USSR) were fighting Germany; China was fighting Japan.

Who were the Allied powers before December 1941?

Prior to December 1941, France, Poland, and Great Britain were the primary allied forces. Canada, Australia, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa, and joined them after 1939.

What country compromised the allied powers?

In World War II the chief Allied Powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German occupation, 1940-44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry on Dec. 8-11, 1941), and China.

Was chang Kai-shek apart of the allied powers or the axis powers?

Chan Kai-Shek was the leader of Nationalist Cina, which had been fighting against the Japanese since 1937, but which only officially became allied in 1941.

Why was the usa in war with Italy in World War 2?

When the US joined the war in 1941, they joined with the Allied Powers. Italy was a part of the Axis powers. They had to fight each other.

What did Roosevelt and churchill draft?

The Atlantic Charter was drafted by Roosevelt and Churchill. It was issued in 1941 and all Allied powers agreed to its terms.

Who was allied with Russia during WWi?

In World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German occupation, 1940–44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry on December 8, 1941), and China.

When was George Standing born?

George Standing was born in 1941.

What is a sentence of this word allied?

America was allied with England even before December 7th, 1941.