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Israel's creation was the result of it declaring independence with permission granted by UN Resolution 181. There was no treaty involved.

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Q: What treaty established Israel as a nation?
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When was Israel first established as a nation?

In our times, the modern State of Israel started on May 14, 1948 .

What year was Israel established as a nation?


How old is the Israel nation?

The nation is approximately 3500 years old. The modern state of Israel was established in 1948.

Which king established Israel as a great nation?

King David and his son, King Solomon built what is modern Israel into a great nation.

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Was the nation of israel established during the fall of the roman empire?

No. The Romans overran the Hasmonean Kingdom and the Jews would not reestablish a Jewish polity in Israel for nearly 2000 years. Following the Fall of the Roman Empire, Israel simply became a part of the Byzantine Empire.

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No, Libya has no peace treaty with Israel.

Who signed the treaty of Israel?

There is no such thing as the "Treaty of Israel", so no country has signed it.

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Israel had declined to sing the treaty.

What was the pact that made israel a nation?

Israel did not become a nation on account of any pact. It became a nation on account of Ottoman surrender to the British in the Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations promulgation of teh Mandate for Palestine, the UN Resolution 181 (II), and the Israeli Declaration of Independence, none of which are pacts.

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The nation of Israel (ישראל)

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