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The Treaty of London also called the First Treaty of London. It was signed in 1839 just after Belgium Independce was won. The agreements were that Belgium would not help any of the warring nations and the warring nations would not attack Belgium.

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Q: What treaty does Britain have to protect Belgium's neutrality in World War 1?
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What treaty obligated Britain to protect Belgium's neutrality?

it is the british.

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Britain had a treaty to protect the neutrality of Belgium.

What was the name of the treaty between Belgium and Britain?

The Treaty of London (1839) guaranteed Belgian neutrality. It was signed by Britain, France, Prussia, the Netherlands, Austria and Russia.

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When Belgium was invaded by Germany. This violated the Belgian Neutrality Treaty that the Germans signed. They regarded it as a "scrap of paper".

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Britain and Belgium had a treaty in which Britain promised to defend Belgian neutrality. Also, Britain had a good trade relationship with Belgium and didn't want Germany to have port near the English Channel.

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