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Q: What trails did thousands of people use to go California during the Gold rush?
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What was the oregon trail Santa Fe trails and the california trail?

they are trails

What accurately describes travel to Oregon or California on the overland trails during the 1840s?

It took 4 months and it was harsh.

Which two trails could travelers leaving from fort hall and to what two cities did the trails lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

What two trails could travelers leaving from fort hall follow and to what two cities did the trails lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

Which two trails could travelers leaving from the fort hall follow and to what two cities did the trails lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

How did immigration and migration affect California?

The massive movement of people to California following the discovery. Some used the Oregon and Mormon trails over the Great Plains which made more people increase the population in California.

What are the 3 main trails that people used to travel west?

Lewis and Clark trail, Oregon trail, California trail

In which state did most of the trails end?

Utah and California

Which two trails could travelers leaving from fort Hall follow and to what two cities did the trails lead?

Travelers leaving Fort Hall could follow the Oregon Trail, which led to Oregon City, Oregon, or the California Trail, which led to Sacramento, California.

Which two trail could travelers leaving from fort hall follow and to what two cities did the trails lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

Which three trails crossed the rocky mountains at south pass?

The three trails that crossed the Rocky Mountains at South Pass were called the Mormon, Oregon, and the California trails.

In which two states did most of the trails end?

Utah and California