spice trade was controlled from europ to china and beyond by sea and ground.
Vasco da Gama
PORTUGAL was the country interested in discovering new trade route (sea route) to Asia when Turkish king or some other king blocked land route.
Prince Henry the Navigator was very interested in finding out a trade route around Africa that would bypass the Moors of North Africa. The expeditions that followed put Portugal at the forefront of sea route explorations to Asia.
Portugal was searching for a route to Asia to increase trade and find gold.
to make an impact of Portugal
Italy lost a monopoly
Dias was a captain who took a fleet of ships on a mission to control Muslim trade and one of his ships just happens to find a route from Portugal to India that went around the bottom of Africa
to make an impact of Portugal
He opened up a trade route from Portugal to India
Vasco da Gama
PORTUGAL was the country interested in discovering new trade route (sea route) to Asia when Turkish king or some other king blocked land route.