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The Silk Route connected Cordoba to Baghdad and most of the rest of the ancient Asian and Middle Eastern world.

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Q: What trade route connected Cordoba and Baghdad?
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Which trade routes might food and ideas have spread from Baghdad to Cordoba in the 730'?

from east to west!

Which trade routes might food and ideas spread from Baghdad to Cordoba in the 730's?

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How are cordoba and Baghdad similar How are they different?

Cordoba and Baghdad were both important cultural and intellectual centers during the Islamic Golden Age. They were centers of learning, with renowned scholars and libraries. However, Cordoba was located in Spain and was influenced by both Islamic and Western cultures, while Baghdad was the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate and was a major hub of trade and intellectual exchange in the Islamic world.

Why is Baghdad well situated for trade?

Baghdad is well situated for trade because it is on the river Tigris and on the route from the Persian Gulf to eastern Turkey

How are Cordoba and Baghdad difference?

Cordoba likes writing on such subjects and Baghdad decorates the city's public buildings

The Russian trade route was called the .?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade route?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade route called?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade call?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

The Russian trade route was called the what?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

The main trade route that connected China with Rome was called what?

The trade route that connected China to Rome was called the Silk Road.

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