

Best Answer

Nothing, Toys Were Taken Away From Spartan Children.

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Q: What toys did spartan girls have to play with?
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Did spartan boys have toys?

If xstone count as a toy. Then, yeah they did. As a matter of fact even spartan girls have had teddy bears :P

What sports did girls play in Sparta?

Spartan girls learned how to run,wrestle and play javelin!

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She plays with all the same toys other girls play with.

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No, you play as a SPARTAN-III.

What games did they play in ancient Greece school?

they play but not at school they will have to play at home and make their own toys, ...... especially schools like athen only learns they dont play and others like spartan they fight and battle when they are young so most of them are poorly educated

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Probably chine dolls or olden versions of connect four

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What were Spartan girls taught?

Spartan girls were taught physical fitness, self-defense, and basic education to prepare them for motherhood and running a household. They were encouraged to engage in activities like sports and dancing to maintain good health and be productive citizens in Spartan society.