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There were some 70 known Roman towns in Britain. The most important ones were Londinium (London) Eborcanum (York) Verulanum (St Albans) Camulodunum (Colchester) Corinium Dobunnorum (Cirencester) Lindum Colonia (Lincoln) Durovernum Cantiacorum (Canterbury) Noviomagus Reginorum (Chichester) Venta Belgarum (Winchester) Glevum Colonia (Gloucester) and Viroconium Cornoviorum (Wroxeter)

Baths was Aqua Sulis, Cambridge was Durolipons, Carlisle was Luguvalium, Doncaster was Danum, Exeter was Isca Dumnoniorum, Halifax was Hortonium, Leicester was Ratae Corieltauvorum, Luton was Lutonium, Manchester was Mamucium and Swindon was Durocovibris.

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There's a long list of towns that the Romans created beginning with Rome itself. Some of the more famous towns are London, York, Bath, Cologne and Naples.

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  • London (Londinium)
  • Cirencester (Corinium Dobunnorum)
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How was coventry during roman and medieval times?

Roman Britain refers to those parts of the island Great Britain that were controlled by the Roman Empire between AD43 and 410. The Romans referred their province as Britannia. The first direct Roman contact came when the Roman general, Julius Caesar, made two expeditions to Britain in 55 and 54 BC, as an offshoot of his conquest of Gaul, believing that Britons had been helping the Gallic resistance. The Lunt Roman Fort was a Roman Fort, of an unknown name, in the Roman province of Britannia. It is widely regarded that the Lunt Fort in Baginton was used as a horse training centre by the Romans. After a Revolt of the Iceni tribe of East Anglia in 60 AD, Suetonious Paullinus, the Roman Governor of Britain, sought vengeance and set up the fort in the village. This base in Warwickshire would have been ideal for the Governor who had been overseeing a campaign in North Wales prior to this.

What was the name of a Spanish town that Hitler had bombed?

The town of Guernica.

Was Great Britain neutral during the great war?

Great Britain is the name of an island not a country. Do you mean the UK? The name of the country is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland', often abbreviated to 'The UK', 'Britain' or 'Great Britain'. During the Great War Britain was allied with France and Russia against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

What does the name Martin mean?

Martin means "dedicated to Mars".It is of Latin origin, originating with the Roman war god, Mars.

What is the meaning of The Roman occupation of Britain?

The Roman occupation was when the Romans had finished conquering lands and just left a garrison (therefore an occupation). Gaul (now France) parts of Germany, Greece and Britain were just a few of these. The Roman Occupation may also refer to the Roman Empire which lasted between 27 BC-AD 476. In the years around 117AD the empire covered approximately 5,000,000 km squared or 1,930,511 square miles. This was the at the height of the Empire.

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What is the modern name for camulodunum?

The modern name for Camulodunum is Colchester, which is a historic town in Essex, England. It was the first Roman-founded city in Britain and served as the capital of Roman Britain for a period.

What does zaghouan mean in rome?

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What was the Ancient roman name for great Britain?

It is Britannia.

Is Chester the oldest city in Britain?

No, Canterbury is the oldest predating records however, since records were formalised the oldest is Coventry 1345. The oldest town - Colchester claims to be Britain's oldest recorded town. Its claim is based on a reference by Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer, in his Natural History (Historia Naturalis) of 77 AD. He described Anglesey (in Wlaes) as "about 200 miles from Camulodunum, a town in Britain". Camulodunum was the Roman name for Colchester.

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The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.The Roman town of Nicomedia was in the province of Bithynia which is in the country of present day Turkey. Its modern name is Izmit.

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Saint Patrick's real name was Maewyn Succat, and he was originally from Roman Britain.

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What is the ancient Roman name for the UK?

Britannia, hence Britain.

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The longest place name in Great Britain is that of a Welsh village: Gorsafawddachaidraigeddanheddogleddollonpenrhynareurdraethceredigion.

Who were the parents of St. Patrick?

Patrick's parents were Roman citizens (Italian) named Calphurnius and Conschessa, living in Roman Britain so, yes, he was Italian by heritage. However, it is not known if they were born in Britain or Italy.